Legal information

AXA Climate, a French simplified joint-stock company (“société par actions simplifiée”) with a capital of 20,048,491 euros, registered with the Trade and Companies Registry of Paris under the number B 493 363 378, registered as an insurance intermediary at the French single register of insurance, banking, and finance intermediaries under the number 07029015 ( and  whose registered office is at 61, rue Mstislav Rostropovitch – 75017 Paris – France;

AXA Climate is an AXA Group company, which, without being bound by an obligation of exclusivity, places most of its clients’ risks with AXA Group insurance companies.

Since 2019, the “Avenir Professionnel” law has introduced the obligation for all companies with more than 50 employees to publish their equality index. This index is an indicator of the action taken by the Company to promote equality between women and men. AXA Climate’s score will reach 80% by 2021. You will find below the detailed result by indicator:

  • Pay gap: 35/40
  • Difference in the rate of individual increases: 25/35
  • Gap in promotion rates between men and women: 15/15
  • Percentage of female employees receiving a raise after returning from maternity leave (if raises were granted during this period): 15/15
  • Number of employees of the under-represented sex among the 10 highest earners: 5/10Number of V.A.T: FR29493363378

French Gender Score
Since 2019, according to French law, each company in France with 50 or more employees must publish their Gender Score every year. This gender score reflects the practices the Company put in place to ensure Gender Equality.
For 2023, the AXA Climate Gender Score reached 98/100.

Publication Director

Antoine Denoix – Chief Executive Officer.

For additional information, please contact us here