Bringing strategic decisions to life

Butterfly School

The Butterfly School invites change-makers to question their organisation’s culture and business models through the lens of living principles, in order to innovate towards respecting planetary boundaries and strengthening adaptation in the face of environmental and social challenges.

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  • Learn about the key highlights of the training
  • Discover the curriculum and learning objectives
  • Explore our teaching approach and meet our team
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The Introduction to regenerative business
is a 100% online course over 8 weeks,
created by 4 partner organisations

Regenerative businesses are designed, organised and run as living systems,
respecting planetary boundaries and social foundations.
They create the conditions for living systems to express their full potential.

A Triple Approach


The logic of continuous growth is incompatible with planetary boundaries. Profitability is not the only measure of success. Optimisation can be designed from life-enhancing criteria.


The challenges ahead demand a cultural revolution, on both individual and collective levels. Let’s strengthen our discernment to change how we do things and unite.


Successful adaptation is necessarily systemic, collective and rooted in place.

Course Content

The content is designed with careful attention to pacing, the gradual development of learning, and editorial rigor:

  • Concrete case studies of companies that have embarked on the path towards regeneration.
  • Practical tools that provide a methodology to challenge the traditional business paradigm and cultivate regenerative businesses.

Live sessions to interact with the community in plenary and smaller groups:

  • Analyse the case studies from the modules, apply the tools to your own company cases.
  • Propel the questioning process a step further on your business model, team, and yourself.

Dozens of “Pathfinders” interviews available for free: scientists, philosophers, economists, entrepreneurs, and activists share their experience of reconnecting with living principles and their vision for the future.

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Download our programme brochure!

  • Learn about the key highlights of the training
  • Discover the curriculum and learning objectives
  • Explore our teaching approach and meet our team
Butterfly Brochure Download

You are...

Head up CSR, HR or Innovation
and want to offer cutting edge professional development for your managers, high potential leaders, dedicated young professionals and change-makers…
Are an active employee
and you want to discover how regenerative practice can provide a new perspective to anticipate the necessary transformations for tomorrow…
Are a Freelancer or a Consultant
and you want to develop an understanding of regenerative principles to support and inspire your clients…
8.6/10 Butterfly School participant satisfaction rate
9/10 Recommendation rate for the Introduction to Regenerative Business course
1200+ Participants

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Next Session

From May 29th to July 22nd

Over 100 companies and 700 employees supported on the path towards regenerative business.


    I really enjoyed this journey, which resonated very strongly with convictions I’ve had for a long time, consolidated them and made me feel less alone! I really appreciated this reconnection to living principles, and the fact that a course for business finally dared to speak about leaving volumetric growth behind, that dared to ask real questions.

    Isabelle Clouet
    Facilitator at Le Projet Circulaire

    The content, format, design and reflection that we were encouraged to have was all of a level I've never seen in previous training sessions I've participated in. Bravo, it's a real success, and I’m looking forward to seeing how the community will evolve.

    Sébastien Dufour
    Environment Transformation Manager at Schneider Electric

    A subtle blend of social sciences and hard science that drives action toward new economic paradigms. The times of exchange are extremely valuable, and the resulting community can become a true force for transformation. The predominant emotion: gratitude. My key realisations: the principles of suboptimality, interdependence, and limited growth.

    Loraine Derville
    Managing Director of Mouvement Tilt

    Butterfly School changes our way of thinking, amplifies our regenerative ambition, brings structure to our action, in short, influences how we see the world. The further we get into the course, the more the concepts and principles presented seem like everyday tools to address any situation, professional or personal, and in a very concrete way.

    Franck Farrugia & Benjamin Grumbach
    Co-CEOs of Omnicom Media Group France


FOR FRENCH ORGANISATIONS. We are a Qualiopi-certified training organisation. The certification was issued for the following category of actions: TRAINING ACTIONS.

View the certification

France Travail

IN FRANCE ONLY. You can find the Introduction to Regenerative Business course on the France Travail platform.

Interested in regenerative business ?

Ask your questions using the form below, and we will get back to you shortly!

Butterfly Contact Form
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What is the level of personal investment required to follow the course?

The Introduction to Regenerative Business runs over 8 weeks, with 5 video modules (weeks 1,2,3, 5 and 7) and 4 live sessions (weeks 2, 4 and 8). Based on our initial cohorts, we estimate an average investment of 60 – 90min per week.

Is the course schedule fixed, or can I adapt it to my work pace?

The modules are gradually unlocked over the course of the 8 weeks to ensure a coherent progression. Once the video content is unlocked, it is available at any time on the EdApp learning platform. Recordings of live sessions are also available on EdApp.

Are the live sessions recorded?

Recordings are available on the EdApp learning platform at the lastest 48 hours after the live sessions.

Can I still access the course content after the program ends?

The course content (videos, live session recordings, presentation materials) is available for six months following the end of your cohort.

Do the Butterfly course award diplomas?

The Butterfly course does not award diplomas. However, a certificate of completion is sent at the end of the course. This is an official document that can be shared with your organisation (e.g. HR, accountant, manager) to confirm your participation in the course. Please note that to receive the certificate of completion, participants must complete the final evaluation (available at the start of week 8) within 4 months of finishing the program. We also offer each participant the opportunity to complete a personalised certificate at the end of the course. This format allows participants to share with their networks how they have developed during the course and next steps towards applying their learning within their organisations.

I am either self-employed, seeking employment or employee of a company. How can I finance the course?

AXA Climate is a Qualiopi-certified training organisation. If your company is based in France or the European Union, it can receive financial support for part or all of the training costs from an OPCO (Skills Operator).
