Fév 12, 2024Navigating the Sustainability Transformation: Key Insights from HCLTechShalmalee Nath, APAC Head Climate School at AXA Climate recently spoke with Santosh Jayaram, Global Head of Sustainability at HCLTech to try and shed some light on the evolving challenges of the sustainability transition
Jan 18, 2024Ré-enchanter la CSRD : Transformer les Contraintes en OpportunitésFace à la complexité perçue de la CSRD, de nombreuses entreprises peuvent se sentir dépassées. Comprendre et intégrer les nombreuses exigences de cette directive représente un défi majeur. Participez à notre prochain webinaire le 8 février 2024.
Déc 20, 2023Fin de la COP 28 : Quelles conséquences pour les entreprises ?La COP 28 s'est terminée le 13 novembre 2023 à Dubaï, un RDV assez important car il s’agissait du 1er bilan mondial depuis l'Accord de Paris, avec la pression sur les États pour démontrer leurs actions concrètes en termes de réduction des émissions.
Déc 19, 2023Three Key Hopes for Climate ActionIn this post, Rushil Agarwal, Climate School Market Lead for India and the Middle East, outlines his thoughts on the actions required to meet the ambitious global warming reduction targets set at COP21 back in 2015.
Déc 19, 2023Time to Act: Overcoming the Sustainability Hurdles for HR in APACHR leaders have seen a significant shift in their priorities due to events such as the Covid pandemic, advancements in digital transformation, and the increase in remote and hybrid working.
Nov 29, 2023Transition Durable de la France : c’est quoi le plan ?La France s’est dotée d’un Secrétariat Général de la Planification Écologique (SGPE), en charge de déployer la feuille de route de la transition nationale. Quelles sont les recommandations du plan ? Quels sont les secteurs concernés ? Quels impacts pour les entreprises ?
Nov 14, 2023Eevie and AXA Climate School join forces to help companies address the growing need for corporate sustainability educationCorporate climate engagement platform eevie and sustainability training provider AXA Climate School have today announced a new partnership…
Nov 14, 20235 key steps HR leaders can take to support their organisation’s Net Zero transitionThe role of Human Resources (HR) is changing. HR teams are being required to ensure their organisations have the necessary skills and competencies to act on sustainability strategies.
Nov 10, 2023Produira-t-on encore du vin en France en 2050 ?On fait le point avec la famille Fabre, exploitante dans le Languedoc et Esther Crauser-Delbourg, ancienne Directrice des projets stratégiques d’AXA Millésimes.
Sep 15, 2023Living within the planet’s means…. how corporate climate action can help solve a global sustainability challenge
Juin 22, 2023New professions support sustainable transformation in the workplaceNew professions are emerging and existing roles are being transformed as more organisations recognise the need to incorporate sustainability into all facets of their operations.
Mai 31, 2023Procurement: Key players in the transition of their businessAs crucial links in the supply chain, procurement professionals have a unique opportunity to drive sustainability initiatives, support decarbonisation, and minimise the carbon footprint of their organisation.