Privacy policy

AXA Climate respects your privacy and ensures that all personal data is processed in accordance with the best confidentiality practices and the applicable laws on data privacy, notably the General Data Protection Regulation n°2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR”). This privacy policy (hereinafter the “Policy”) applies to the processing carried out withdata collected on the website (hereinafter the “Website”).

In this context, “Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (a “DataSubject”); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified,directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental,economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

For the purposes of this Policy, as a Data Subject and user of the Website, you shall be hereinafter referred to as ‘’You’’/“Your”.

AXA Climate, “société par actions simplifiéeà associé unique” registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Registerunder the number 493.363.378, acts as a controller in the processing of Your Personal Data (i.e. it determines the purposes and means of the processing). AXA Climate shall herineafter be referred to as ‘’We’’/“Our”/”Us”.

1. What Personal Data do We collect?

We collect and process the following categoriesof Personal Data when You use the Website:

  • identification data: such as Your name, surname, phone number, e-mail address, region,etc.;
  • professional data:such as Your profession, professional email, professional phone number, companyname, business field, company website, etc.;
  • technical data, asresults from cookies: such as Your IPaddress, browser type, preferred language, etc.;
  • any Personal Data that You may specify in the messages You send to Us.

Please note that, in some cases, providing YourPersonal Data is mandatory otherwise We cannot provide You with the services orinformation You request from Us. For example, if You want to send Us a contact requestthrough Our contact form on the Website, You will have to provide Your name, emailaddress and other information so that We can answer Your request.

Where providing Your Personal Data is mandatory, We will inform You accordingly.

Besides, in the event You would decide to provide Us with Personal Data relating to other individuals, please ensure that such individuals have been informed about the processing of their Personal Data in accordance with this Policy and, to the extent applicable, have consented to the processing of their Personal Data.

2. What special categories of Personal Data do We process about You?

Under the GDPR, certain categories of Personal Data are considered as particularly sensitive so that processing thereof issubject to specific rules. Such is notably the case with respect to Personal Datarevealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, etc.

However, please note that We do not collect any special categories of Personal Data when You use Our Website.

3. How do We use Your Personal Data?

We process Your Personal Data for the following purposes:

  • Contacting You following Your request via thecontact form
  • Contacting You to answer to Your questions
  • Contacting You to propose our products andservices;
  • Managing Your subscription to Our newsletter andfurther sending You Our newsletter;
  • Using for statistical purposes;
  • Complying with any legal orregulatory obligations We are subject to.
  • Managing any potential or actual dispute with You or third parties;

When We collectand process Your Personal Data, We do it on the basis of one of the following legal grounds depending of the purpose: (i) Your consent to such processing,(ii) Our legitimate interests as data controller (iii) Our compliance with any legalor regulatory obligation.

4. Do We share Your Personal Data?

As part of Our processing activities, Wecommunicate Your Personal Data to the following categories of recipients:

  • Our internal services (commercial, marketing, administrative, IT, legal service,as the case may be) who need to have access to Your Personal Data, on astrict need-to-know basis.
  • Competent courts, public authorities,government bodies and law enforcement forces (in particular, where We mustrespond to legal or regulatory requests);
  • Our suppliers and serviceproviders assisting Us in meeting the purposes identified herein:
  • Salesforce: Our CRM tool;

In any event, and disregarding the recipient atstake, We communicate Your Personal Data on a strict need-to-know basis andonly to the extent necessary for meeting the processing purposes identified inthis Policy.

5. Do We transfer Your Personal Data outside the EEA?

For the purposes of the processing activities detailed herein, We do not transfer Your Personal Data outside the European Economic Aera. However, if needed, We may transfer Your Personal Data outsidethe European Economic Area (“EEA”), including to countries which are not regarded by the European Commission as ensuring an adequate level of data protection.

In this respect, We undertake to implement appropriate safeguards to ensure that the level of protection applied to Your Personal Data is not altered by such transfers. Such safeguards consist notably in the execution of standard contractual clauses based on the last models issued by the European Commission;

6. How do We keep Your Personal Data secure?

To keep Your Personal Data secure, We have implemented technical and organizational measures designed to protect Your Personal Data against the risk of accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to Your Personal Data.

We review such measures on a regular basis to check that they remain adequate and relevant to secure Your Personal Data.

7. For how long will Your Personal Data be retained?

In the course of Our processing activities, We retain Your Personal Data for a period not exceeding what is necessary in light of the processing purpose at stake.

Concretely, this means that the data retention periods We implement vary, depending upon the concerned processing purpose, as follows:


Answering any contact request or questions You may submit thanks to Our Website, and, more generally ensuring prospect relationship management You may need

Managing Your subscription to Our newsletter and further sending You Our newsletter

Complying with any legal or regulatory obligations We are subject to

Cookies purposes

Managing any potential or actual dispute with You or third parties


To the extent that You are a prospect, Your Personal Data will be retained for a maximum period of 3 years following the last contact with You, as per the CNIL’s recommendation.

Your Personal Data is retained until You unsubscribe from Our newsletter.

We retain Your Personal Data as long as We are subject to the legal or regulatory obligations at stake.

See your cookie policy

Your personal Data is retained until all the relevant courses of appeal have expired

8. What about cookies?

We use cookies on Our Website. To know more about which cookies We place on Your device and why We do that, please consult our Cookie Policy.

9. What are Your rights in relation to Your Personal Data?

As a Data Subject, You benefit from various rights in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation, and notably the GDPR, as follows:

  • You have the right to request access to Your Personal Data as well as to request rectification or erasure thereof.
  • You are also entitled to request the restriction of the processing carried out with Your Personal Data or to object to such processing.
  • You can request the portability of Your Personal Data.
  • You have the right to specify guidelines on the use of Your Personal Data after Your death.
  • You can withdraw Your consent if You have given Us consent to process Your Personal Data.

However, please note that some of the abovementioned rights are subject to particular requirements resulting from the applicable data protection legal framework. As a result, if Your particular case does not meet the legal requirements to do so, We will not be able to let You exercise the concerned right.

You can exercise Your rights by contacting Our DPO with the contact details specified in Section 11 (How can You contact Us?). As part of Our response to Your request, You may be asked to provide further information to confirm Your identity and/or to facilitate locating the Personal Data associated to Your request.

In any event, please note that You are entitled to lodge a complaint with the French Data Protection Authority (“CNIL”) in the event You consider that the processing activities We carry out with Your Personal Data are unlawful.

10. Updates to the Policy

We will update this Policy from time to time, notably in response to new legal, technical or business developments. When We make any material change to this Policy, We take appropriate measures to inform You accordingly.

11. How can You contact Us?

Should You have any questions or requests regarding the processing activities We carry out with Your Personal Data under this Policy, including the exercise of Your rights detailed above, please feel free to contact Us with the contact details below:

Date of the last update: 30/10/2024